Online Services
Organization: COSTI Immigrant Services

This program provides participants with online training, on-site instruction with at-home, self-paced lessons. It is aimed at helping participants refresh their understanding of key job search tools, such as resume writing or interview preparation, or access the latest labour market information. Participants should have advanced level English skills and computer skills to be eligible for this program.

Potential employer connections not listed

Program Notes: Employment Ontario Program - funded in part by Government of Canada

Skills Focus: Soft skills: Resume writing skills, job search skills, interviewing skills, networking skills, business/ workplace communication skills Occupational skills: Sector-specific language skills (Office Administration, Information Technology, Accounting, Plumbing, Carpentry Hairstyling etc.)

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COSTI Immigrant Services offer specialized employment services for internationally trained individuals, as well as information and referral to appropriate services, employment assessment and counselling, work placement, job search training and job development for adults and youth; mentoring and Recruitment and human resources services for employers.


Toronto, Ontario, Canada [head office]