Fast Track to Manufacturing (F2M)
Organization: MOSAIC - Multilingual Orientation Service Association for Immigrant Communities [MOSAIC BC]

F2M is for young newcomers who are looking for a rewarding career in the rapidly growing manufacturing field.

In partnership with Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters, participants will gain access to over 2500 leading employers in the sector. Through plant tour during the training, participants have opportunity to meet potential employers and see actual working environment.

After 6 weeks of PAID classroom training, all participants will be offered full-time permanent positions with one of the participating employers.

3 weeks of Skills Training with Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters

Program Notes: Funded by the Governments of Canada and British Columbia

Skills Focus: Soft skills: job search, resume writing and interview skills, Canadian workplace culture and communication Occupational skills: Health and SafetyReading Work Orders Schematics and Drawings, Production Reports and Quality Assurance

Learn more:

MOSAIC is one of the largest settlement non-profit organizations in Canada. They serve immigrant, refugee, migrant and mainstream communities in Greater Vancouver and the Fraser Valley as well as throughout the province of BC and overseas via online programs.


Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada